About Eli


Master Eli Cohen has helped hundreds heal and connect with their life’s true potential through the cultivation of life-force energy, creativity, calm and vitality. He is a Medical Qi Gong practitioner and an Energy Healing Coach who has taught thousands of classes and many workshops. He's trained with many powerful masters. Among the more familiar ones are Mingtong Gu and Lee Holden.

Eli’s experience healing himself from a chronic condition led him to develop a personalized one-on-one method called Deep Healing Qi GongTM and Qi BreaksTM Online (www.qibreaksonline.com).  He studied with master teachers in the USA and abroad for over 10 years, and shares this powerful practice with great enthusiasm and love.  Known for his approachable and dynamic style of teaching, he teaches classes and facilitates workshops regularly around the San Francisco Bay Area.

Eli also worked with organizations like Google Inc., Kaiser Health, and The City of San Francisco to create stress management and performance programs tailored to each organization’s culture and needs.  He is known for his approachable and dynamic style of teaching that makes ancient wisdom practices accessible and effective in our modern, fast-paced world.

Eli cares deeply about promoting self-awareness and healing through social good.  He runs his company as an Social Purpose Corporation, giving a percentage of profits to mindfulness focused non-profit charities.

Eli may be reached via email at [email protected]

To learn more, read Eli's interview with SF Yoga Magazine

My Story

As a child, I developed a secretive practice I would do by myself that always made me feel great and help me out when things were rough.  While other kids where playing soccer and other games, I used to go to a quiet place away so no one would see me and do my own practice.  I would run energy through my body and connect with the energy all around me and visualize what I like to see in my life.  It was very meditative, strengthening and enlivening. 

When I was 12 years old my father contracted a very aggressive form of brain cancer. It was very difficult to see my father go through many hard treatments until he died two years later.  This was incredibly difficult and looking back at my 12-year old self I understand now how I survived.  My own secret practice became more developed and became essential to my emotional health, physical health and well-being. 

Later on in life I graduated from Architecture school and became an Architect.  Working long hours in a foreign country (the US) I developed severe digestive problems and abdominal pain related to the stress I was going through.  

This is when I searched for help...

When I met my Qi Gong teacher for the first time I had a big a-ha moment.  I felt deeply connected to what he taught and knew.  At that moment I knew immediately what I needed to focus on, and that I needed to share this powerful knowledge with with the world.  I knew this practice immediately -- it was similar to what I used to do as a child.  But, Qi Gong was more deliberate and the principles helped guide my mind in a different way!  I was captivated by it...

During that same first Qi Gong workshop, several Qi Gong practitioners came up on stage and were talking about how the healed very quickly, within months from different chronic conditions including cancer and auto-immune disorders.  I was intrigued and wanted to learn more. 

I voraciously read as many books as I could about Qi Gong and Chinese Medicine.  I went to every Qi Gong workshop I could find in my area.  Later on, I sought teachers abroad and flew across the world to learn from them, as well.  The ancient practices I learned were historically practiced out of sight by specially trained monks in monestaries, literally in the mountains of China.  I got to learn some very demanding, high level Qi Gong practices.  I also went to different meditation retreats, some were silent and weeks long.  Some incorporated sitting in darkness for many hours each day. 

This is when I got a deep internal knowing about a new direction in my life.   I slowly started to share what I've learned from my teachers within with my community, here in the Bay Area, California.  

I continue to teach the methods I have learned and made accessible for Western audiences.  The structure of my practices aren't from a specific lineage, but rather chosen from many based on what works.  The practices I teach literally work miracles...see the testimonials on my home page.  I have since taught many classes and workshops, worked with many people one-on-one and have an online platform designed to help get the word out to as many people around the world as possible about this technology and knowledge.  It's become so very critical in this day and age - so many are desperately looking for ways to increase focus, reflect, connect, build internal energy and power, and HEAL!

My highest hope in life is to give you a similar experience and cultivate your own inspiration for hope!  The same promise and hope I sensed that eventually led me to be completely healed.

With Loving Qi,




FREE Three-Day Online Healing Qi Gong Challenge


Complimentary Deep Healing Acupressure Booklet